Tuesday, January 10, 2023

God is so Good

The blessings continue as we are about to begin our tenth year of walking the streets, seeking out the most wounded, and bringing the love of Christ to each and all. Perhaps the high point of the year was a skyline in Portland after the sun had already set. We were walking the camps by SE 92nd and Powell when we noticed that the sun had sent up its rays over the horizon, culminating in a cross that looked remarkably like the Sacred Heart symbol we wear.
Earlier in the year I attended the Sacra Liturgia conference in San Francisco, and sought out blessings for our work from Cardinals Pell and Sarah, as well as Archbishop Cordileone.
At the end of the 2022, the Urban Missionaries from the Philippines sought out permission from their bishop to begin life as religious. They were given the go ahead, and received their habits in an investiture ceremony. They each have prior experience in relgious life with the Missionaries of the Poor, and that experience should serve them well.
Finally, we rarely update this old blog, and so look for us on Facebook. We have a public page that is open to all--whether a person has a Facebook account or not.